What is ”Phishing” ?
Now you got an e-mail and it says,
- Your credit card has expired.
- It needs to verify your account.
The mail has also a link to a certain website, and you jumped to the link.
The site says that you should check your account and try to input your information.
The site domain looks like your favorite site’s (e.g. arnazon.com : NOT amazon.com), has SSL server certification, and GUI looks very similar to the original site.
A certain number of you might input your account information, but the e-mail and whole of the site are FAKE.
If you “submit” your information, your account (or credit card) will be used by phishers.
How can you prevent damage by phishing ?
It is said that you might prevent your damage by…
- Setting your e-mail client software to prevent spam mails.
- Some mails through filters in the software.
- Check a sender domain.
- We don’t know what domain is safe.
- Check if a link string equals destination URL.
- Usually there is no time to check it.
- Check if a linked site has an SSL.
- More than half of phishers has a site with SSL.
“White Domain Badge”
“White Domain Badge” is a Google Chrome Extension for making your web surfing safer.
If you install it and make your white list of domains, the icon on top-right of Chrome tells you if a site is safe or not.

Let’s get started with “White Domain Badge”
You can install it in Chrome store.
Jump to the store and click “Add to Chrome” button.
Usage of “White Domain Badge”
After adding to your chrome, the following tab will be opened.

Enter a domain that you think it safe, and press RETURN key.
Then the domain is registered to your white list.

If you want to register multiple domains at once, you can input some domains splitted by commas like this:
Press RETURN key, then the domains are registered.

After you register domains, you can close this Chrome tab.
If you add/remove some domains, you can open the setting tab by click the icon on top-right of Chrome.